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The Ultimate Guide to Building a Successful App Reseller Business


Are you looking to dive into the world of app reseller businesses? With the rapid rise of mobile technology and a growing demand for innovative apps, the app reseller industry has seen immense growth and offers vast potential for profit. But how can you capitalize on this opportunity and build a thriving business?
In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the steps to start and scale your own mobile app business. Get ready to embark on your journey to success in the app reselling world!

I. Understand the App Reseller Business Model#

Curious about what app reselling actually entails? App reselling refers to the process of acquiring, customizing, and selling mobile applications to clients under your own brand. It's a business model that allows you to leverage existing app platforms and tools to cater to the diverse app requirements of your customers. But how do app resellers generate revenue?

App resellers typically make money by charging clients for the customization and ongoing maintenance of the apps. This may include a one-time setup fee, monthly subscription charges, or a combination of both. Some app resellers also offer additional services like app marketing and analytics, further diversifying their income streams. If you have an existing business, you can also create a mobile app and, with a little brand customization, sell it to other customers. Allowing you to divide the development costs by the amount of customers you can sell the app to.

When it comes to building apps, there are different types of apps you can choose to work with, such as white label apps and custom apps. White label apps are pre-built applications that can be rebranded and customized to suit your client's needs, allowing for quick and cost-effective deployment.
On the other hand, custom apps are tailor-made solutions designed from scratch to cater to specific client requirements, often demanding more time and resources.
You should also decide if you want to build apps for the Google play Store, the Apple app store or both. However, having custom apps on both stores can increase the development costs significantly as the app needs to be optimized for both platforms.

White label app reseller#

This is how it works: software developers create a white-label app without specific branding. These apps are designed to be resold to businesses that want to put their branding on them. White-label apps can be customized with enough online branding to make them unique.

There are several benefits to choosing a white-label app instead of a custom development project, including speed to delivery and cost savings. A white label app is typically 1/10th the cost of a custom software development project because the app's backend – how it functions, its actual appearance, or format – is already established. 

White label app builders offer you a low barrier to entry, as you don't need extensive technical skills or a large initial investment. It also allows for scalability and recurring revenue. However, the app reseller market is competitive, and keeping up with ever-evolving technology trends can be challenging. You can solve that by using a white label app builder like AppMachine. For a small monthly fee, white label app builders make sure your apps are always up-to-date and will comply with the requirements of the app stores, which are ever-changing.

Furthermore, white label app reselling offers a range of monetization options which generate recurring revenue streams. Other than the upfront costs of selling the app, you will be charging for maintenance fees, updates, and additional features. The more customers you acquire, the more recurring revenue grows. This results in ongoing income that adds stability to your business and helps you create a solid financial foundation for your venture.

Another added bonus is the fact that you don't need to hire an in-house development team or invest in expensive infrastructure. You can quickly launch your reselling business without breaking the bank. As your reselling business scales, the costs remain relatively low.

With this understanding of the business model, are you ready to explore further and find out how to kickstart your own venture?

II. Essential Steps to Start your own mobile App Business#

Let's explore the critical steps you need to take to set the foundation for success.

A. Market research and target audience identification#

First, conduct thorough market research to understand the app landscape, identify your competition, and determine your target audience. Who are your potential clients? Are they small businesses, enterprises, or niche industries? Knowing your target audience will help you tailor your offerings accordingly.

If your agency already has a lot of customers in one specific vertical market, it makes sense to build an app for that market, for example restaurants. You can sell that app-concept to multiple businesses in that vertical. With a no-coding app building platform like Appmachine, you can duplicate the app with one click, change the design of the app and show this working proof of concept to your other customers. This is one of the best ways to convince a potential customer.

B. Defining your value proposition#

What sets your own mobile app business apart from the competition? Define your unique value proposition to communicate the key benefits and advantages your clients can expect from your services. This will be crucial in attracting and retaining customers.

C. Choosing the right app reseller platform#

Selecting the right app reseller platform, like AppMachine, is essential to your success. Look for a platform that offers a user-friendly interface, comprehensive features, and excellent support. This will enable you to create and manage your clients' apps effectively.

D. Establishing your brand and website#

Build a strong brand identity that resonates with your target audience. This includes creating a memorable logo, choosing a color scheme, and developing a brand voice. Set up a professional website showcasing your app reseller services, portfolio, and client testimonials.

E. Setting up a pricing structure and payment system#

Develop a clear pricing structure that reflects the value of your services and remains competitive in the market. Also, set up a secure and reliable payment system for your clients, ensuring a smooth transaction process.

F. Developing a marketing and sales strategy#

How will you attract and convert potential clients? Develop a robust marketing and sales strategy, leveraging techniques like content marketing, social media, email campaigns, and networking events to reach your target audience.

III. Tips for Choosing the Right Mobile Apps to Resell#

Wondering how to select the perfect apps to resell for your target audience? Here are some tips to help you make informed choices and maximize the success of your mobile app business.

A. Identifying high-demand app categories or a vertical#

Start by focusing on app categories or specific verticals where you see a high demand or where you have existing connections with potential clients. This will allow you to tap into a ready market and leverage your existing knowledge to better serve your customers.

B. Evaluating app quality and functionality#

The quality and functionality of the apps you resell will directly impact your reputation and success. Ensure that the apps you choose are well-designed, user-friendly, and offer the features your clients need. Test the apps yourself to get a feel for their performance and user experience.

C. Assessing white label and custom app options#

Consider the pros and cons of white label and custom app options. While white label mobile apps can be quicker and more cost-effective to deploy, custom apps offer a higher degree of personalization and flexibility. Determine which option best aligns with your clients' needs and your own capabilities.

D. Evaluating app development partners and their support services#

Finally, evaluate potential app development partners, like AppMachine, and the services they provide. Choose a partner that offers excellent customer service, ongoing updates, and technical support, as this will help ensure a smooth experience for both you and your clients.

Let's explore the strategies and tactics that will help you grow and thrive.

IV. Marketing and Promotion Strategies as a Mobile app reseller#

As you want to become a mobile app reseller, it's crucial to have a robust marketing and promotion strategy in place. Follow this list of effective tactics to help you attract clients and drive growth:

Leverage your network and existing clients#

Reach out to your current contacts, clients, and acquaintances who could benefit from a mobile app. Explain the advantages of having a mobile app and showcase how your services can help their businesses grow.

  1. Establish a strong online presence with content marketing and SEO
    Create valuable, informative content such as blog posts, case studies, and infographics to demonstrate your expertise in the app reseller industry. Optimize your content for search engines to increase visibility and attract organic traffic.
  2. Harness the power of social media marketing
    Promote your app reseller services on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Engage with your audience through both organic posts and targeted ads to generate interest in your offerings.
  3. Utilize email marketing to nurture leads
    Build an email list of potential clients and send them relevant, persuasive email campaigns. Implement lead nurturing strategies to guide prospects through your sales funnel, ultimately converting them into paying customers.
  4. Network at industry events and conferences
    Attend industry events, conferences, and networking gatherings to meet potential clients and establish connections with other professionals in your field. This not only helps you stay informed about the latest trends but also expands your network.
  5. Forge strategic partnerships and collaborations
    Develop partnerships with complementary businesses or industry influencers who can refer clients to your app reseller business. Work together on projects or co-create content to reach new audiences and enhance your credibility.

By putting these marketing and promotion strategies into action, you'll be well on your way to building a thriving mobile app reseller business. Stay persistent, adapt to market changes, and watch your efforts pay off over time.

V. Conclusion#

In conclusion, building a successful app reseller business involves several crucial steps, such as understanding the business model, conducting market research, defining your value proposition, choosing the right app reseller platform like AppMachine, and implementing effective marketing and growth strategies. By following the guidance provided in this article, you'll be well-equipped to seize the opportunity in this rapidly growing market. If you think that app building is not for you, you can read which myths about app building are not true or read how Myark and AppMark are succesfull in building apps.

Now is the perfect time for aspiring app resellers to dive in and capitalize on the increasing demand for mobile apps. Don't miss out on this opportunity to create a thriving business in a booming industry. Sign up for an account at AppMachine and discover how their no-code platform can help you start your own mobile app business today. With AppMachine, you'll have all the tools and support you need to turn your app reselling dreams into reality. Embrace the journey and watch your business flourish!

FAQ about Starting your own app reseller business

What is a white label mobile app?

What is an app reseller program?

If you want to start a business selling apps, an app reseller program can help you to get started quickly. Without extensive technical skills or a large initial investment you can scale your business and create recurring revenue of 100K in 4 years.

What is a mobile app reseller?